Rosin presses are becoming more popular in recent years thanks to a more curious customer base and the advent of technology that has allowed us to supply the demand. At Online Smoke, we are passionate about giving our customers the best information and of course, the finest equipment on the market.

 In order to give our loyal customers a more transparent and trusting experience, we thought it would be fun to explore our catalogue a little further and delve into what makes each of them so special.

Rosin presses may look like something out of a James Bond film, they can be intimidating-looking and seem like an engineering degree is required to operate. Well, looks can be deceiving. Truth be told, rosin presses are remarkably simple to operate and are incredibly innovative in what they’re able to do!

Don’t fret, we’re going to break down what rosin presses are, why they’re so popular, and why we’d recommend going with a professional one rather than a DIYer.

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So, What Do Rosin Presses Actually Do?

Simply put, rosin presses are special machines that crush flowers and herbs into a concentrated form. Using a combination of heat and pressure, these machines are able to render and process dried material into a concentrate.

The way in which this is achieved is with the herbs being placed onto a slab, the machine will then press another slab on top of it with a set degree of pressure and temperature to achieve the optimal yield of concentrate.


What Are The Types of Rosin Presses?

There are two primary variations of rosin presses, pneumatic and hydraulic. Both of them are used for the same endgame, however, the power source and yield will range from brand to brand and variant to variant.


A pneumatic machine uses either gas or air to incite the necessary pressure. As an air compressor is a requirement for these variants, the machines themselves tend to be larger in size. While a little bulkier, these machines will often have a greater yield due to air pressure speed superiority to water-based alternatives.


A hydraulic machine uses heat and liquid to garner the necessary pressure. These machines are typically more compact which makes them ideal for personal use and a great addition to anyone’s home.


Why Are They So Darned Popular?

So, now that we understand a little more about what they are – why are they becoming so popular? That is an excellent question indeed – and one that has appeared in some international magazine sites that have taken herb-specific examples to examine.

One of the main reasons that rosin presses have taken off is that they addressed a growing demand for better technology which had years of risqué DIY methods that had some inscrutable success. The added convenience that these machines have given to owners is also a major factor in their popularity as a dedicated machine for the job is often far quicker to use and easier to clean and maintain.


Professional Vs DIY

There are always rumblings from avid botanists that suggest that a hair straightener is perfectly suitable as an alternative to a pricier (but more reliable) machine. While the essential elements remain similar (hot plates and pressure), the grand difference in yield, reliability, and longevity simply cannot be denied.

It may be a little pricier than a $20 hair straightener but trust us when we say that a solid rosin press will be there for you for a lot longer – and provide a simpler experience.

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