Are bongs dead? We don’t think so, long live the Bong!

Given the pace with which vapes are gaining popularity, does it mean that soon there will be no place for a modest bong in cannabis culture?

The history of the bong goes back to the depth of centuries. It is a legend in the world of smoking gadgets and with the succeeding legalization of marijuana around the world takes smokers to a new level where they can smoke and still be healthy.

Where is the origin of bongs?

Some countries claim the bong as theirs, for example, Persia and India both claim it was originated from them, same as hookah. Regardless of the origin, the bong for several decades is considered part of the cannabis movement around the world.

Taking into account the evolving legalization movement and the public recognition of marijuana, people are looking for alternative ways to continue to consume marijuana, respecting the familiarity and traditions of cannabis society.

Recall the sad story of 2003 about the persecution and arrest of the American comedian, actor and musician Tommy Chong for selling glass tubes online. Now the World Wide Web is filled with proposals for the sale of bongs of different quality, design, size and functionality, for gourmets and beginners, women and in general for every taste.

Bongs have existed for so long that people are close friends with them, they are comfortable together. We think that in the market of smoking accessories, there will always be a place for bongs, no matter what novelties the manufacturers of smoking temp us with. Long live the bong!

Bongs are also kind of old school. Just for that reason, many people are choosing bongs to smoke weed instead of other methods. It fits the culture the most and makes smoking more than a physical act, a time to enjoy and socialize with other people while smoking.

A recent global poll stated that Australians are the biggest bong users. It is very popular in Australia apparently and that is a good sign for the smoking culture.

Advantages of bongs

Using bongs have many advantages. One of them is softer puffs. For many people, this is the main interest, especially for beginner smokers. By taking a puff of a water filter, the smoke is first filtered and refreshed by the water. The result is smoother smoke when you inhale. In addition, the smoke has a more pleasant temperature. Smoke from a joint is hot and irritates your throat that can lead to severe coughs.

Another advantage is how easy it is to use it. Beginner smokers have a hard time learning how to make a joint, it requires experience and patience. With bongs, anyone can get it right from the first go.

They keep the experience of the aroma and taste of the cannabis. A dry pipe creates smoke that is harsher on the throat and lungs.

Whether you are just getting into smoking or have been smoking for years, switching to bong is never late. You will realize that it is a lot of fun and much cooler to smoke through a bong with.

It cannot be denied that bongs have lots of unique benefits and features that the other ways of smoking do not. Even the looks of it are appealing to human eyes.

There are many different kinds of bongs. Some of them look like the more traditional upright water pipes associated with cannabis. Others can look like hookahs.

Smoke clouds of bongs are far superior to many of the other methods of smoking.