For many cannabis enthusiasts, keeping their bong clean is as essential as the ritual of smoking itself. But with busy lifestyles, the question often arises: "Can you put your bong in the dishwasher?" This article by Online Smoke delves into the feasibility and safety of using a dishwasher to clean your bong.


Understanding the Basics of Bong Cleaning

Why Keeping Your Bong Clean is Crucial

Maintaining a clean bong is not just about keeping up appearances; it's a fundamental aspect of a quality smoking experience. A well-cleaned bong, gleaming in its clarity, plays a crucial role in delivering a pure terpene profile, allowing you to fully savour the nuanced flavours of your herbs. Beyond enhancing taste, it ensures smooth, untainted hits, free from the harshness that often accompanies a buildup of resin and other residues.


Regularly cleaning your bong also preserves its functionality and aesthetic appeal. High-quality glass bongs, in particular, are an investment for many smokers. By keeping them clean, you're not only ensuring optimal performance but also prolonging their lifespan. A clean bong prevents clogging and maintains airflow, essential for smooth pulls. Additionally, it keeps the bong looking as good as new, a point of pride for any enthusiast.


Whether it's a quick rinse after each use or a thorough clean regularly, taking care of your bong is taking care of your smoking experience.


Should I Put my Bong in a Dishwasher?

Since its invention in the 1800s, the dishwasher has revolutionised the way we approach household tasks, epitomising modern convenience. In our fast-paced world, where efficiency is prised, it's no surprise that many have pondered over using this appliance for an unconventional purpose - cleaning bongs. The thought of simply placing your bong in the dishwasher alongside your dishes, hitting a button, and walking away is undeniably appealing.


From my own experience, the allure of this method lies in its simplicity and time-saving potential. The idea of integrating bong cleaning into a regular chore, without the need for manual scrubbing or dealing with sticky residues, is a tempting prospect. It suggests a hassle-free solution for cannabis enthusiasts who find traditional cleaning methods tedious or time-consuming.


However, it's crucial to consider the suitability of your bong for this method. While the dishwasher might seem like an efficient shortcut, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. The effectiveness of cleaning, especially for intricate bongs with percolators and other detailed parts, can be questionable. For those seeking a modern solution to bong cleaning, exploring the dishwasher option might be an intriguing experiment, but it's essential to weigh the pros and cons based on your specific bong type and cleaning needs.


Weighing Up the Dishwasher Method for Cleaning Bongs

The idea of using a dishwasher to clean bongs presents a mix of potential benefits and drawbacks, especially for those using high-quality borosilicate glass bongs. Speaking from experience, these types of bongs can generally withstand the heat and pressure within a dishwasher, but it's not a straightforward solution for everyone.


One significant limitation is the varying sizes and designs of bongs. Not all will comfortably fit in a standard dishwasher, and this mismatch can lead to inadequate cleaning or, worse, damage to your prized piece. Especially for those unique, artistically crafted bongs, the dishwasher might not be practical.


Another key consideration is the intricacy of certain bong designs. Those with detailed features like percolators, which are critical for a smooth smoking experience, may not get thoroughly cleaned in a dishwasher. Residue trapped in these tiny nooks and crannies can be stubborn, and a dishwasher's spray might not reach these hard-to-clean areas effectively.


From a practical standpoint, while the dishwasher method might seem like a convenient shortcut, it does have its limitations. It's vital to assess whether your particular bong is suited for this kind of cleaning. For some, the good old-fashioned manual clean might still be the safest bet to maintain their bong in top condition.


Our Verdict on Cleaning Your Bong in a Dishwasher

When it comes to cleaning bongs in the dishwasher, the general verdict, based on collective experiences, leans towards caution. 


Yes, dishwashers offer a convenient and hands-off approach, but they're not without their pitfalls. Particularly for bongs with complex designs and delicate features, the risk of damage in a dishwasher is a real concern. These intricate parts often require gentle handling that dishwashers can't provide, leading to potential breakage or inadequate cleaning. Additionally, the hot water and intense pressure might not suit all materials, especially certain types of glass or adornments. 


Therefore, while the dishwasher can be a quick solution in a pinch, for thorough and safe cleaning, sticking to traditional methods is often recommended. In the realm of bong maintenance, sometimes the old ways are still the best ways.

Alternative Cleaning Methods for Cleaning Your Bong

For cannabis enthusiasts seeking to preserve their bongs in top condition, veering towards the side of caution with cleaning is advisable. From personal experience, I've found that traditional cleaning methods offer a safe and effective way to maintain bongs, especially compared to the risks associated with dishwasher use.


Here are some alternative methods for keeping your bong clean:

Isopropyl Alcohol and Salt

This classic combo is excellent for dissolving stubborn resin. The abrasive action of the salt combined with the solvent power of isopropyl alcohol works wonders, especially for glass bongs.


Vinegar and Baking Soda

For a more natural approach, vinegar and baking soda can create a reaction that helps in dislodging resin buildup.


Dedicated Bong Cleaners

There are numerous specialised bong cleaning solutions available that are formulated to tackle resin and tar without harming the glass.


Boiling Water

Simple yet effective, boiling water can soften and remove accumulated residue. However, it's crucial to be cautious with temperature changes to avoid cracking the glass.


Lemon Juice and Hot Water

Lemon juice acts as a natural deodorizer and cleaner, helping to break down residues and leave your bong smelling fresh.


Denture Cleaning Tablets

These can be an unconventional but effective way to clean a bong. Just fill the bong with warm water, drop in a tablet, and let it fizz away the grime.


Pipe Cleaners and Brushes

For hard-to-reach areas, especially in intricate bongs, using brushes and pipe cleaners can manually remove residue build-up.


Rubbing Alcohol and Rice

Similar to the iso+salts method, rice can be used as an abrasive agent with rubbing alcohol to scrub the inside of the bong clean.



For non-glass bongs, placing them in the freezer can harden the resin, making it easier to chip away.


Commercial Glass Cleaners

Some glass cleaners are safe for bong cleaning, but it's essential to ensure they're non-toxic and rinse thoroughly afterwards.


Each of these methods has its own merits and is particularly effective for different types of bongs and levels of buildup. Regular cleaning not only ensures a better smoking experience but also extends the life of your bong.


Making an Informed Decision on Bong Cleaning

Ultimately, the decision to use a dishwasher for cleaning your bong depends on various factors, including the bong's material and design. While the dishwasher offers convenience, it may not always provide the thorough clean needed for intricate bongs. Consider your options carefully and always prioritise the longevity and hygiene of your smoking apparatus.


The key is to ensure your bong remains a clean and safe instrument for your smoking pleasure. Remember, a well-maintained bong is essential for a quality smoking experience.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only. Please obey all local and national laws relating to the use and possession of cannabis and tobacco. Smoking may be harmful to your health. It is illegal to sell or supply tobacco products to young people under the age of 18. Please familiarise yourself with the laws and regulations within Australia.