The bong, a quintessential piece of smoking paraphernalia, has been a staple for herb enthusiasts for centuries. It is one of the most popular devices for smoking plants, offering a smoother and more enjoyable experience compared to other methods. However, for those new to the world of the green or smoking devices, understanding what a bong looks like and its essential components can be a bit confusing. In this article, we will demystify the anatomy of a bong, discussing its key features, materials, and sizes.

Key Components of a Bong

A bong consists of several key components, each playing a crucial role in its operation:


The base is the lower portion of the bong, usually the largest and widest part. It is the chamber that fills with water, which plays a crucial role in filtering and cooling the smoke. Bongs are often categorised by their base type, such as straight, beaker, or round base.


Also known as the vessel or neck, the tube is the cylinder that conducts the smoke and air into the user's mouth. There are generally three different tube types; straight, angled, and custom.


This is a connective piece of glass inserted through the base and into the water. It initiates the filtration process by directing the smoke into the water. Downstems can be classic (solid cylinder) or diffused (with extra holes or slits) to diffuse and cool the smoke while providing a smoother pull.



The bowl holds the herb atop the downstem. Bowls come in various sizes, typically 10 mm (small), 14 mm (medium), and 19 mm (large). The size refers to the outer circumference of the fitting end for male bowls and the inner circumference for female bowls.


This is a diffuser that smooths and cools the smoke, usually found in the tube. Common types of percolators include honeycomb, turbine, fritted discs, and tree.


A hole located between the neck and base of the bong used to control air and smoke intake. Not all bongs have carbs built into them, but most pipes do.

Ice Pinch

A series of glass indentations, usually three, large enough to hold ice within the neck of the bong without interfering with or blocking any smoke.

Splash Guard

A dome that catches water while allowing smoke to pass through.

Common Materials Used in Bongs

The material of a bong significantly impacts its durability, appearance, and overall smoking experience. Here are some common materials and types of bongs we encounter.

Glass Bongs

Glass bongs are the most popular and highly valued for preserving the taste and purity of cannabis smoke. They offer transparency, allowing users to see when the bong needs cleaning. However, glass bongs are fragile and can be challenging to transport.

Plastic Bongs

Plastic bongs are the least expensive and incredibly durable, making them ideal for passing around with friends or for those on a budget. However, they may impart a mild plastic taste to the smoke.

Silicone Bongs

Silicone bongs have gained popularity in recent years due to their durability and ease of cleaning. However, they may also impart a mild plastic taste to the smoke.

Ceramic Bongs

Ceramic bongs are heavy, fragile, and usually cheaper than glass bongs. They are great for displaying creative designs and are easier to replace if broken.

Bamboo or Wood Bongs

These bongs are exceptionally sturdy and much cheaper than glass bongs. With proper maintenance, they can last a lifetime, but they are also difficult to clean.

The Different Sizes Bongs Are Manufactured

Bongs come in various sizes, from small and portable to large and elaborate. The size of the bong impacts its capacity, the amount of smoke it can hold, and the intensity of the hits.

Small Bongs

Small bongs are usually around 6-10 inches tall and are perfect for on-the-go use or for those with limited storage space.

Medium Bongs

Medium bongs are typically 10-16 inches tall and offer a good balance between portability and capacity.

Large Bongs

Large bongs are usually over 16 inches tall and are ideal for those who prefer big, concentrated hits. However, they can be challenging to transport and store.

Customised and Personal Bongs

In addition to standard bongs, there are also custom bongs designed to suit individual preferences and aesthetic tastes. These bongs can feature unique shapes, colors, and artistic designs, making them a great addition to any collection.

Gravity Bong

A gravity bong has a glass percolator in the base of the bong where smoke is diffused through its multiple arms. This design improves diffusion, making the bong one elegant, flowing piece.

Multi-Chamber Bong

This bong offers more chambers, usually within the tube or base, to filter and cool the smoke further.

Stemless Bong

Stemless bongs connect directly to the base, usually at a 90-degree angle, improving diffusion and creating a more elegant and flowing design.


Bongs Come in Many Shapes, Sizes, and Functions


Understanding what a bong looks like and its essential components is crucial for anyone curious about them or to long term enthusiasts. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or a beginner, knowing the different parts, materials, and sizes of bongs can help you make an informed decision when purchasing a new bong or upgrading your current one. At Online Smoke, we offer a wide range of bongs and smoking accessories to suit your needs and preferences. Shop with us today.